This is the pitch idea I had for working on the Wrexham in Bloom project as part of my PDP, the concept behind the pitch was a flash based game, similar to games like puzzle bobble, aimed at young school children, years 5 & 6 of local schools, in which the more points they earn while playing the game the more information they learn about the importance of recycling and the local environment, and for every 100,000 points they could earn money off vouchers for local leisure centres or be exchanged for iTunes downloads.

When I presented this I presented it with a friend Kyle's Blog and the rest of the second years, who had their own concepts for this project, to the members of Wrexham council, the head of corporate marketing section, three members from the recycling team. One of the main issues that they had was with the corporate and the promotional aspects to the work, in terms of what they could and couldn't put out into circulation. The members of the council were overwhelmed by the range of work created since the initial project delivery six weeks ago, and where completely positive with the overall response to the project by the students.
One of the points that was raised by the council was relating to costings for the project, physical cost to the council i.e. how much would it cost to have an A1 vinyl produce.
Generic points; when we were working with characters they had massive problems getting the current one "Recycle with Michael" because they already have the Wrexham 'W',

they are therefore very keen to make sure that anything they do is with in their corporate guide lines, and were we as students are suggesting characters to be the head of a brand they said that it would be massively problematic as they don't want the council split into different sections with the characters as a figurehead, therefore in order to get the body of work that I am looking for to get a good mark I have to completely ignore what the council are saying as the feedback they are giving is very council based and therefore limited to what they can see, no surprise there as councils never like to give money way, so I am therefore going to concentrate on the work as it is for my portfolio.
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